Psychological Support / Counselling
BPsych Hons
My absolute passion in life is helping support people emotionally and psychologically towards achieving sustainable weight and dietary changes by overcoming the emotional barriers that prevent us from achieving our weight and dietary goals. I am strong advocate for helping people see beyond what society deems as ‘perfect’ and to teach people to find comfort and acceptance in their own skin. Empowering people to achieve health and wellbeing regardless of their size is what I love, and helping them move to a place of body and self-acceptance that is free of negativity, anxiety, depression, obsession and shame.
Having struggled myself for years at both ends of the eating disorder spectrum, I understand on a very personal level the internal battles that come from a lifetime of struggling with weight, eating and body image issues and not feeling acceptable enough because I didn’t fit society’s ‘thin-ideal’. Studying Psychology at Flinders I graduated with honours in 2003 and in that time did a lot of voluntary counselling at the Flinders Inpatient Eating Disorder Unit and a short stint volunteering at the Eating Disorder Association of SA. This fuelled my passion and I began my own private counselling service for those struggling with body image, eating and weight disorders. I am also trained in Applied Behavioural Analysis and also work providing behavioural support and counselling for children and families with special needs.
The motto that I live by is this: ‘You can change the outside, you can lose the weight, but until your inner world changes to a place of peace and acceptance the body hatred, weight and food war will continue to run your life…….changing the outside for good can only ever begin on the inside!’ Bringing my clients to this place of freedom and self-acceptance is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced.